If you’re new to the work-from-home world, you likely haven’t put much thought into how you can improve your home office capabilities. You might feel like your current setup works well enough, but you’d be surprised how much having a proper home office setup can improve your productivity. There are a lot of ways to optimize your home office, and the foundation starts with some simple electrical upgrades.

Upgraded Lighting

Though lighting may be the last thing on your mind, proper lighting can make your break your work from home experience. The right lighting affects your mood and energy levels a lot. Your office should include elements like overhead lighting, ambient lighting, and even task lighting.

Along with having better visuals for video calls and working, the overall ambiance of your office can influence how well you feel and your productivity. Dim lighting, for example, can cause eye strain, and insufficient lighting can cause drowsiness and lack of focus.

A Dedicated Computer Circuit

Most people that work from home never consider the quality of their computer circuit until they experience an issue. Homes that are more than ten years old are not always equipped to handle modern devices. As a result, when you plug in numerous electronic devices to maintain your home office setup, you can be at risk of overloading a circuit.

When circuits trip, sensitive electronics can be damaged, and valuable unsaved work can be lost. Outdated wiring can also contribute to the issue. When you work from home, installing a dedicated circuit for your computer is the best way to keep operations running smoothly.

Panel Upgrade

Your ability to work productively from home hinges on the electrical infrastructure you rely on for most of the day. Electrical demands on your system don’t just come from the devices in your home. Things like your HVAC system, lighting, and appliances all add to the demand on your home’s electrical system.

Upgrading your electric panel may be necessary to prevent overload strain on your electrical system. This is something work looking at if your home’s electrical panel is more than 10 or 15 years old. Maxed-out electrical panels can overheat and cause electrical fires.

Want to Maximize your Work From Home Productivity?

Working remotely offers many advantages but comes with a few challenges as well. Like anything, you need the right tools to get the best results. If you’d like to learn more about upgrading your electrical system to improve your home office productivity, call Wolfe Electric today.

Wolfe Electric is an Omaha and Lincoln-based electric company with the knowledge, experience, and expertise to help your home meet the added demands of a productive home office.

Call Today

Omaha – 402-731-1220
Lincoln – 402-464-4333